On 4 February, at Athenee Palace Hilton Hotel in Bucharest, NRCC organizes the 4th edition of the dedicated event NRCC NIGHT OF SMEs in Bucharest.
Launched successfully in 2015 in Bucharest, NRCC NIGHT OF THE SMEs is aimed to the decision makers of SMEs (Small & Medium Enterprises), using the set-up of a Gala Dinner, where the focus is on Knowledge Exchange channeled in various Key-Topics, Interaction and Networking.
The event includes an official Welcome Cocktail followed by a Seated Dinner (with Intermission), containing 4 courses of each 25 minutes. During each course, attendants share a different table with a Key-Topic Provider and converse in a small and intimate setting regarding the relevant topic that they are interested in (up to 10 fields of expertise will be available to choose from).
The changing tables concepts leads to attending more different topics and to increase the interaction between attendants, making networking and know-how transfer more efficient and targeted. In the same time, for a key-topic provider, hosting a table is a huge added value and lead generation concept.
Check photo gallery & official video from the 2017 edition.
Are SMEs part of your business target? Then do not miss out this unique opportunity to become a Key Topic Provider during our dedicated event where we bring together the NRCC SMEs Community.
List of relevant key-topics:
Contact us at info@nrcc.ro and we will get back to you as soon as possible.
Fee for NRCC members: 120 + VAT euro / person
Fee for external companies: 150 + VAT euro / person
Taking into account the set-up of the event (with a prior table placing for each guest), kindly register at info@nrcc.ro, until 23rd of January 2019.
Payment must be made in full prior to the event to guarantee admission. Fee is refunded only for cancellations received 48 hours prior to the event.
Type of event
NRCC Night of the SMEs
Status of event
04 February 2019
Start Hour
Seated Dinner with knowledge sharing on business development
No. of guests