NRCC Member in Spotlight - Interview- Dr. LEAHU

Mon | 01.10.2018


Dr. Ionuţ Leahu chose dentistry out of passion for people's smiles. Ambition, dedication, hard work and perseverance helped him make friends and gain the confidence of hundreds of patients  throughout time, confident that they will receive the best care.


1. Why are you a member of the NRCC?

Netherlands Romanian Chamber of Commerce offers me the opportunity to meet new people who excel in their field of activity. At the same time, I have the opportunity to connect with people across the continent, all the more so since I plan to expand the business to other countries.


2. How is your organization benefitting from being part of the community?

Dr. Leahu Dental Clinics provide NRCC members with an insight into what dentistry means in Romania. We seek to share best practices with our colleagues. Our plan for 2019 is to have operations in Europe where we will open 5 or 6 clinics in the next 5 years at the same top-level as in Romania.

3. How did your business start? What was the main idea behind it?

In recent years, Romania has become an important player in Europe in the dental clinic market. In 2011, when the first dental practice was opened, things were not so. We wanted Romanian patients to have quality services at affordable prices. We have managed to increase turnover from one year to another by 60-100%, well above the industry average of 18-20%. We want to open 25 new clinics in Romania in the next 5 years.


4. How many clinics do you have?

We currently have a network of 5 clinics and 2 new ones soon to be opened.


5. How did you manage to expand so quickly?

We have the top-digital prothetic technology, Veloscope, microscope endodontics, CT. In addition, our business is fully digitized - with medical software, financial and management software, HR software and project management, CRM.


6. What is your focal point?

We offer real health and an exceptional experience for our patients.


7. What distinguishes you from your competitors?

We offer patients a personalized treatment plan and an exceptional experience at a fair price. In order to achieve this goal, we continuously optimize key processes, improve our ability to acquire the necessary materials at a super-competitive price, we actively build our image as the best employer on the market so that we can quickly recruit the valuable specialists we need.


8. How important is prevention in your field?

In our field, prevention is essential. In order not to have serious dental problems, we advise patients to come to our clinics for control at least once every six months.


9. Are you active in “dental tourism”?

Through the Dental Travel Program, patients from other countries can solve their problems by taking treatments with the latest generation of technology, top materials, and experienced dentists. In addition, the price-quality ratio must be high. At Dr. Leahu Clinics, patients from all over Europe came, mostly from Latin countries, where there is a large community of Romanians.


10. At what NRCC events members can meet you?

I will be present at the Dinner CEO at the Manasia Domain in Urziceni.


11. Do you plan to open new branches abroad? If yes, where and why?

Starting in 2019 in Europe, we will open 5 or 6 clinics in the next 5 years at the same high standard. Among the countries we are targeting are Italy, Germany, Great Britain, Ireland, the Nordic countries and Switzerland.


12. How does your company give back to the community? Do you have a Corporate Social Responsibility strategy?

Each of our clinics means 40 new direct jobs, an investment of 600,000 euros, monthly maintenance budgets, marketing, employee learning and development, local event organization, CSR activities.

The emphasis we place on the continuing training of doctors, nurses, receptionists, and superiors in support departments is made up of hundreds of better-trained specialists, more patient-focused, more effective. Teachers teams in our clinics go to schools and kindergartens every month, provide free dental consultations, thus contributing decisively to maintaining the health of children in the community.

In addition, once every 6 months, we organize and host blood donation events.

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