Wed | 10.03.2021
On the 25th of March 2021, NRCC will hold online, its annual General Assembly of Members, starting with 18:30 hours.
On this occasion, 4 positions in the Board of Directors will be up for voting. All member companies interested are invited to delegate their candidates.
All members have to express their vote online, and/or during the voting session of the General Assembly.
Voting when not attending the GA:
1. Serge Offers - CFO of ING Romania
I am the CFO and board member of ING Bank Romania since June 2018 and have 15 years of experience in the banking industry. Prior to this appointment, I fulfilled several senior leadership roles within ING Group and was a representative in the Dutch and European Banking Federations.
Next to my position at ING, I am the current acting president of the NRCC and the vice-president of the recently launched Romanian Diversity Chamber of Commerce which focusses on promoting gender equality as well as equal rights and opportunities for Roma, LGBT and people with disabilities.
During the last two years, I had the honor and pleasure to be (vice-) president of the NRCC. Due to the pandemic, I did really miss the opportunity to meet you personally during the last twelve months and hope in 2021 we can re-introduce some of our flagship events. Thanks to the executive team we were able to quickly adapt to the new normal. Besides organizing virtual events, I am proud that we have been strengthening our advocacy activities and intensifying interactions with Government officials as well as the Dutch Embassy in Romania. We also became part of the international network of NLinBusiness with whom we successfully lobbied to select Bucharest as one of their “Cities of Opportunity”.
I look forward to continuing the collaboration and constructive dialogue with representatives of the public sector, helping our members seize opportunities during the economic recovery after COVID-19, and contributing to a strong business climate. This is a prerequisite to create a more inclusive, equitable and environmentally conscious society. I therefore ask your support to be reappointed as board member of the NRCC and continue to promote the interests of the Dutch – Romanian business community.
2. Jacques de Boer - Managing Director of Printmasters & Board Member Xindao BV
With over 10 years professional and private experience in Romania currently Managing Director of Printmasters, which is part of Xindao BV, headquarters in The Hague, Netherlands. Jacques de Boer is an Experienced Executive Board member with demonstrated achievements in operations, production, supply chain and service industries.
The main goals of the NRCC, supporting the Dutch Romanian business community, participating in task forces, having close relations to Netherlands embassy and council are appealing to me and I am sure I can give my support here.
Being professionally active for years in Romania on executive positions, I have gained extended knowledge about doing business in the country. I had the privilege to live and do business in different geographical areas in Romania, as well as different sectors. Through this I had the possibility to experience the diversity of Romania from a business and cultural point of view. By doing as such, I also understand the environment, culture and governmental directions of Romania.
Next to being a member of NRCC, with Printmasters, I am also a member of Romanian Business Leaders and AHK (Romanian German Business society). I do believe that with my experience I can contribute to the goals of the NRCC and develop further the implication and impact NRCC can make in Romania, especially for the Dutch Romanian community.
3. Serban Isopescu-Weber, Health Systems Leader of Philips Romania
Serban Isopescu-Weber joined Philips over than 20 years ago, putting his talent, passion and management abilities into contributing to a healthier society, in Romania and across the region.
With extensive professional experience in the healthcare sector and multiple national and international roles in the company, Serban is currently leading the Health System Team for Philips Romania, a leading health technology company focused on improving people’s health and enabling better outcomes across the health continuum – from healthy living and prevention, to diagnosis, treatment and home care.
Serban is proud to be part of the NRCC Board, thus contributing to the development of the Dutch-Romanian business community.
4. Gerke Witteveen, CFO of NN Life Insurances
Gerke Witteveen has extensive experience in Finance and Risk Management roles in the insurance industry. He joined Nationale Nederlanden (NN) Group in November 2016 as CFO for its Romanian subsidiary. Prior to joining NN, he worked for 11 years with Achmea, another leading Dutch insurance company. He previously stayed in Romania from 2008 until 2013, as CFO in Romania for Achmea’s subsidiary Eureko/Interamerican.
He started his career as consultant at OC&C Strategy Consultants, after graduating the Vrije Universiteit in Amsterdam with a master’s degree in Business Economics. Gerke is also vice-president of the Romanian Insurance Association (UNSAR), president of the Board of NTC-school De Trekvogel (Dutch Language School in Bucharest) and a member of the CFO Club Romania, an informal gathering of CFOs of leading Romanian companies.
Starting in 1997, NN has established itself as the market leader in its field of Life Insurance and Pensions in Romania, like it is in the Netherlands. As such, NN has built strong ties in the Romanian community. Naturally, as one of the leading Dutch companies in Romania, it is also a longstanding and active member of the NRCC. This makes NN a suitable member to represent the Dutch-Romanian business community as part of the NRCC Board of Directors.
As former President of the Board (2017-2019) I have experienced first-hand the dynamic and open culture of the NRCC. I have seen the evolution and growth of the NRCC up-close. In the current COVID-context, it has been necessary for the NRCC to adapt, like for many organizations. I look forward to contributing as a Board Member to the next phase in the evolution of the NRCC, continuing to strengthen the connection between the members, as well as the connection with the business community and society at large.
5. Alina Făniță, Partner of PKF Finconta
Alina is Partner, mainly involved within Assurance Services. She joined PKF Finconta in September 2014 and has over 15 years professional experience in audit.
Alina has a BSc in Accounting and Financial Analysis from the Academy of Economic Studies of Bucharest.
She is member of the Association of Chartered Certified Accountants UK (ACCA), of the Romanian Chamber of Certified Accountants (CECCAR), the Romanian Chamber of Auditors (CAFR) and also a member of the Institute of Internal Auditors (IIA)- Canada.
Her experience in serving clients includes audits, due diligence, internal audit and internal control related services. Alina has been involved in internal trainings as well as in company presentations, mainly related to IFRS.
I consider NRCC as an association which provides access to valuable initiatives, business impact, expertise in managing new challenges, sharing concerns and solutions, and creating a framework for successful partnerships among like-minded business leaders.
I am motivated by the fact that through my work as a finance professional I can contribute to the financial health of many companies from Romania. Being on the NRCC Board will give me the chance to consider the interests of more companies and consider their primary interests in relation to government and other public authorities.
6. Vlad Peligrad, Partner, Toncescu și Asociații – KPMG Legal
Vlad has 20 years of legal practice, with extensive expertise in litigation & arbitration, insolvency procedures, fraud investigation, and crisis management. He also has extensive transactional experience in project finance, infrastructure and concessions/PPP projects and FIDIC Contracts, as well as in bank lending and real estate finance transactions, accumulated both in Bucharest and New York.
Vlad is an arbitrator at the Court of International Commercial Arbitration attached to the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Romania and at the Bucharest International Arbitration Court (BIAC).
He has taught corporate law & commercial contracts and transport law for 12 years at the Law School of the University of Bucharest and regularly publishes articles in legal and business reviews.
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