Fri | 31.03.2023
New legal provisions designating the collective negotiation sectors
Government Decision 171/2023 (GD 171/2023) on the establishment of collective bargaining sectors and the related NACE codes entered into force as of 7 March 2023.
Following the entry into force of the new law on social dialogue (Law 367/2022) providing that collective bargaining is compulsory, including at collective bargaining sector level, GD 171/2023 was adopted to define the collective bargaining sectors.
The classification into a collective bargaining sector is made according to the main NACE code (in Romanian cod CAEN); the sectors and NACE codes are provided in the Annex to GD 171/2023.
Companies are able to request classification in one of these sectors under certain conditions – for instance if co’s activities fall into the scope of more than one collective bargaining sector.
New days off recognized at national level
The Labour Code was amended by Law 52/2023 effective as of 8 March 2023.
The new law adds two additional days off recognized at national level, namely:
– 6 January – in Romanian ‘Botezul Domnului’
– 7 January – in Romanian ‘Sf. Ioan Botezătorul’
Market surveillance & product conformity
Ordinance 20/2023 on the establishment of measures for the application of Regulation (EU) 2019/1.020 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 20 June 2019 on market surveillance and product conformity and amending Directive 2004/42/EC and Regulations (EC) no. 765/2008 and (EU) no. 305/2011, as well as for the modification and completion of some normative acts is effective as of 31 January 2023.
New Land Book Regulation
Order 600/2023 for the approval of the Regulation of reception and registration in the cadastre and land book entered into force as of 14 February 2023 (New Regulation), effectively replacing the previous regulation adopted by Order 700/2014.
The New Regulation aims at aligning the Land Book rules with other legal provisions – such as Law 7/1996 for cadastre and real estate publicity and Law no. 50/1991 on the authorization of construction works, as well as aiding in the digitization process of the Land Book processes. There will likely be initial delays in implementation due to significant amendments to workflows and procedures.
Access to the deceased patient’s medical information
Law 46/2003 on patient’s rights was amended by way of Government Ordinance 6/2023 (GO 6/2023) which entered into force as of 2 March 2023.
The new enactment targets one amendment: Relatives can now access a deceased patient’s medical information even if the patient was unable to provide consent.
Such medical information includes: the results of the investigations/tests, the diagnosis, the prognosis, the treatment and personal data.
The relatives who may now receive such information upon request are (in the following order):
This article is provided by our Legal Partner BBW LAW l BORA BANU van de WAART.
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